Happy Tails

Skittles & Starburst (aka Wallace & Gromit)

Happy Tails | Adopted 2023-11-14

I referred to the skittish one (the bigger of the two) as "Skittles..." and all of a sudden, it hit me!!!  He could be Skittles, and the other tiny one, the rambunctious, playful one, could be Starburst!!!   They're both sweet; they both start with the same letter; they sound good together; and they suit their personalities!!!  One day I was brushing my teeth when Starburst came in, sat by my feet, and cried.  He paced, rubbed against my legs, meowed.  Then I thought maybe something was wrong, so I shut off the water, and went to follow him.  As I left the bathroom, I could hear the faint little squeak of a meow from Skittles. I could tell it was coming from in the office, where I had been working earlier.  I opened the door and out he popped!!  Starburst came to get me, to help his brother!!!!!!!  I don't know about starbursts, but my heart has burst a hundred times, in the last two weeks.  I love them soooooo much – Elaine

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