Happy Tails

Rowan (aka Jessie)

Happy Tails | Adopted 2024-01-30

Recently, Rowan celebrated the anniversary of her adoption date. The two of us have come a long way in a year's time. She is not what I would describe as an affectionate dog - never gives kisses or nudges my hand for pats, but apparently she does care.

I was in bed with the flu on Sunday and she was sleeping at my feet. She sat up a couple of times and looked a little puzzled as to why I was not getting up. Finally, she made her way to the head of the bed, looked down at me for a few seconds, then poked  her nose in my ear, as if to
inquire, "Have you died?" It was gratifying to see her concern, but I suspect it had more to do with when breakfast would be served than my health.

Rowan is unlike any dog I have ever owned - she needs constant supervision and gets into the kind of mischief that most dogs would never even imagine. All day long she is hell on wheels and in the evening sleeps on my lap while I watch movies. Impossible not to love her, even if she has chewed up every cat bed in the house and a lot of other things, too.

I am happy to have found her and love her all the more because she is special. She says hello to all her friends at the KHS.

~ Maggie

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